Growing at Grace

Growing at Grace

What makes for a good leader? Most folks think that “followers” would be the required component. But anyone who has led anything more than a rousing chorus of “Row Row Row Your Boat” understands that the measure of leadership is the number of...

A Different Future from a Difficult Past

Let’s cover some known facts. I’m a United Methodist pastor. The United Methodist Church is a Christian denomination. Christians follow the teachings of Christ. Christ was big on forgiveness. Based on this, we should be able to draw some conclusions about...

Why Not Partner with ?

I was recently asked a fascinating question: Is it feasible to plan a course on technology at the next Licensing School for Local Pastors? The convener for that School, Rev. Dean Emerson, asked that during a break at a seminar we’re both attending. Turns out,...

The Rest of the Story

Last week, I posted on a routine hardship: Moving from one appointment to another. I related some of my ideas in the post “Turn and Face the Change,” and made reference to the wisdom and insights of the colleague who followed me. This week, my friend Jeff...