Mark Atteberry
Pastors who found churches can focus on the values, vision, and mission of the new start. Keeping those things in the forefront can be hard for pastors who inherit a culture that may have wandered away from the foundational ideas and mission. Mark Atteberry outlines 10 of the most damaging habits that church members can exhibit — and how to curb those habits.

Steven Covey
Pastors are people who are led by the Spirit. That’s not an excuse to fly by the seat of one’s pants. Steven Covey outlines some classic methods of prioritizing and organizing that will provide a structure for accomplishing goals in the life of the church.

The Arbinger Institute
In this instant classic, leaders learn to deal with issues and confrontations by first dealing with their own perspectives, biases, and narrow-mindedness. Let this book design your approaches to deep-seated conflicts and entrenched factions within your church or group.

Leonard Sweet
If your congregation is still thinking about church in terms of the 1950s and 1960s, Leonard Sweet can help awaken your leaders to the realities of post-modern culture and the power of Jesus Christ in this new setting.

The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction
Eugene Peterson
Dr. Peterson, best known for his work on The Message, is a pastoral care genius. In this work, Peterson offers key insights on the role of pastor as the spiritual director — with a significant emphasis on the spiritual direction of the congregation as well as individuals.