A few years ago, my wife and I had a horrible thought. We remembered our high school days, and all of the soft drink machines that filled our respective school buildings. This is a good time for me to mention that our kids have never even tasted a soda, much less purchased a drink from a machine.

Thus our fear. We were both concerned about this scenario:
The New Pledge

Last year, there was talk of restricting soft drink sales. No one was too impressed. Most folks realized that restrictions would be bypassed, I guess. So that flare went up, shone for a moment, then fizzled out.

And then, I heard this newswire read on NPR.

All Things Considered, May 3, 2006 · Beverage makers and the William Clinton Foundation announce a plan to stop the sale of full-calorie sodas at public schools nationwide by 2010. Under the deal, only water, unsweetened juice and low-fat milk will be sold in lower grades and only diet sodas will be sold in high schools.

Now THAT is news.

If only we could get them to tell us the secret of those slabs of pizza. Surely, those are good for you!