If you are like me, you are trying to figure out what we’re going to do with ourselves for the next few days, weeks, or maybe even months during this coronavirus quarantine and social distancing exercise. It will be important for us to think ahead about how we are going to take care of ourselves and each other. Here are my suggestions:
Foster Gratitude
Start with gratitude. What are you grateful for? With a constant stream of negative news, it can be tough to find hope. You may have to start small. But once you’ve allowed yourself to be grateful for small things, that hope begins to build. In that way, gratitude helps us to find the good and even the worst situations. Those good things can be an bright beacon in an otherwise dark and stormy night. A grateful heart can change your outlook. And once the habit has been established, it can change your life.
Connect with God
Where can I find God in all of this today? Look for the ways that God is trying to speak to you through the people who reach out to you and the people you’re reaching out to yourself. The search for God can be frustrating if you’re looking for burning bushes or doves falling from the heavens. Try looking for the beauty of the world around you. Take note of the folks in your life who are showing you love and grace. God’s hand won’t be far behind.
Connect with Friends
Which brings us to our next question. Who are you connecting with? We live in the age of communication. Some might say it’s too much digital and online communication, but those things are going to come in handy as we struggle to maintain our connections. Reach out. Send a note. Call a friend. Make those connections intentional and share the positives that you have found in your daily reflection.

Keep Moving
It is tempting to sit down on the couch and binge watch every Netflix series that was ever made. Or maybe you just want to go back through all of your Star Wars DVDs. For others, it will be the good old shows like Andy Griffith, I Love Lucy, and Bonanza. But really ought to maintain our bodies — and that means getting up off the couch and moving around. How will you move and exercise each day?
Go Outside
Social distancing means that we shouldn’t go to public places, but no one said anything about staying out of your own yard. As the weather allows, how will you get outdoors and breathe some fresh air each day? putting these last two questions together is a big bonus. A walk around your neighborhood in the fresh air checks two boxes.
Support Your Community
Many people in your community are being hit hard by the restrictions and closures. That means we need to be sticking together and supporting our local businesses even though we’re having to do this in new ways. How are you supporting local commerce, restaurants, and businesses? Your support of these businesses could make the difference between a small business owner’s survival in these difficult times.
Lead Others to Lead Others
It’s one thing to think about how we can take care of ourselves. It’s another to think about how we might challenge others to do the same. How are you encouraging others to follow the same practices and share them with their friends? Our mutual encouragement starts to change the community around us.
What Else?
These seven questions are a good way to start thinking about how we are going to muddle through this outbreak event. You may have other questions. I would love to hear them! Please share them with me by email, a phone call, or on social media.
And the next time you see me, ask me how I’m doing with my 7 questions. I’ll ask you how you’re doing with yours! 🙂
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