SCRIPTURE: Ezek. 22-24; Rev. 9

Ezekiel 24:19 The people came to me, saying, “Tell us why you’re acting like this. What does it mean, anyway?”

OBSERVATIONS: The folks in Ezekiel’s time were very interested in what he had to say. They were curious as to its meaning and what they were to do in response to the word.

APPLICATION: This says two things to me. First I hav to be interested in the word that is coming to those around me. I’m following several pastor/leaders in their writings at the moment, curious to see what God is saying through them. Second, I have to be diligent in my recounting of the word as it is spoken to me and through me. Less Joey, more Word.

PRAYER: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of these, our hearts, together be pleasing and acceptable, O God; for you are our strength and our redeemer. In and through Christ I ask these things. Amen.