Apr 16, 2013 | Leading the Church
What makes for a good leader? Most folks think that “followers” would be the required component. But anyone who has led anything more than a rousing chorus of “Row Row Row Your Boat” understands that the measure of leadership is the number of...
Apr 4, 2013 | Pop Culture, US Politics
Stacy Campfield recently entered a bill for consideration in the Tennessee General Assembly. Campfield is a senator from eastern Tennessee known for legislation that attracts the ire of late-night comedians and satirists across the country. As a native Tennessean,...
Mar 26, 2013 | Leading the Church, US Politics
Everyone is talking about the Supreme Court of the United States hearing oral arguments on the matter of California’s Proposition 8, which banned homosexual marriage. But is anyone listening? I sat down to an interview today on that matter. It’s been quite...
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