Apr 4, 2012 | General, Leading the Church, Pop Culture, US Politics
“Christianity has been destroyed by politics, priests, and get-rich evangelists. Ignore them,” writes Andrew Sullivan in this week’s edition of Newsweek, “and embrace Him.” If only it were that easy. My inner 5th-Grader (who also titled...
Mar 30, 2012 | General, Leading the Church, Methodism, US Politics
The Call to Action proposal is getting support from across the United Methodist Church. With just a few more days before General Conference 2012 begins, people across the denomination are publishing their positions regarding this proposal focusing on restructuring the...
Mar 27, 2012 | General, Leading the Church, Methodism
Bishop Joe Pennel has raised some excellent questions in a recent post at the UMPortal. He indicates that we are not focusing on the right things with Call to Action in the United Methodist Church. He writes: I cannot prove it but I am of the opinion that...
Mar 26, 2012 | General, Pop Culture, US Politics
More details on Trayvon Martin’s death have been released. I’ve added them as edits to a recent post about the victimization the african-american community is feeling. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have recently led demonstrations. Bloggers all over the...
Mar 24, 2012 | General, US Politics
Trayvon Martin’s death has been called a tragedy. It has been called a murder. It has been called justifiable homicide. His killer, George Zimmerman, has been called a murderer, a racist, and a vigilante. The silence from white evangelicals has been deafening....
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