Mar 13, 2012 | General, Leading the Church
From Wikipedia Statisticians improve the quality of data with the design of experiments and survey sampling. Statistics also provides tools for prediction and forecasting using data and statistical models. Statistics is applicable to a wide variety of academic...
Mar 12, 2012 | General, Leading the Church, Methodism
This morning, I am preparing for a meeting with two very enthusiastic folks about an event we are planning. Youth directors, pastors, and volunteers will be coming from all over the Benton County area to share ideas, trade tips, and express their vision for youth...
Mar 10, 2012 | General, Leading the Church, Methodism, US Politics
The United Methodist Call To Action has created a variety of responses and questions across the United Methodist Church. The debate has created some very healthy conversations in the local church and has opened the door for broader conversations at the regional level....
Mar 6, 2012 | General, Leading the Church, Pop Culture, US Politics
Michael Hidalgo has written beautifully to sum up the conflict between masculine and feminine lenses for our faith. While there are those who decry the unfair treatment of women through the ages, there is a growing number of folks who are bemoaning the loss of a...
Mar 4, 2012 | General, Leading the Church, Methodism, Pop Culture, US Politics
Let’s get right to it: I’d like you to consider an increasingly widespread problem of poor interpretation of Scripture. I refer to colleagues who seem to disregard Scripture when it disagrees with the modern culture. You see it more and more in our...
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