Jan 18, 2012 | General, Pop Culture, US Politics
SOPA is the “STOP ONLINE PIRACY ACT” written by Representative Lamar Smith. We already have legislation that makes digital piracy a crime. The 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act lays out enforcement measures. The problem is enforcement. Representative...
Jan 13, 2012 | General, Methodism, Pop Culture, US Politics
Closure is something very few people understand completely. I know this because so many people ask me about it, or assume that it is always portrayed accurately in the movies and on television. So I’m going to try again here. Let me start by saying that closure...
Dec 9, 2011 | SOAP Journal
SCRIPTURE: 1 Tim. 5-6; Tit. 1-3 Titus 3:8-11 I want you to put your foot down. Take a firm stand on these matters so that those who have put their trust in God will concentrate on the essentials that are good for everyone. Stay away from mindless, pointless...
Dec 8, 2011 | Theological Thinking
“Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” This has been my prayer for the last week and a half after reading the book, Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer. I’m not sure I’m going to add this to my recommended books list, but it might...
Nov 25, 2011 | SOAP Journal
SCRIPTURE: Matt. 20-22 Matthew 21:28-32 28″Tell me what you think of this story: A man had two sons. He went up to the first and said, ‘Son, go out for the day and work in the vineyard.’ 29″The son answered, ‘I don’t want to.’...
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