4-10-19 Lenten Endings

God, our Lenten journey draws nearer to an end. The benefit of hindsight allows us to see the events that are fast approaching. Slow down our minds that we might fully experience the height of exultation this Sunday. Grant that we might see the sudden change that,...

4-8-19 Unity

God, the divisions in our nation are becoming more prominent; and the divide extends into your Church. Grant us the wisdom to seek community, conversation, and the common good. Help us to resist the urge to be right. Teach us the benefits of kindness and your...
The Lost Cause is a False Narrative: Confronting the Fallacy

The Lost Cause is a False Narrative: Confronting the Fallacy

In the first post in this series, I shared my early understanding of the Civil War and the picture of history that had been painted for me. In the second post, I outline my discovery of actual records and documents deepened my dismay. In the third post, I described my...
The Lost Cause is a False Narrative: Confronting the Fallacy

The Lost Cause is a False Narrative: In Their Own Words

I didn’t know there was such a thing as the Lost Cause until I was almost ready to graduate High School. This series of posts is the story of my discovery. In the first post in this series, I shared my early understanding of the Civil War and the picture of...