A Strange Welcome Home

After a fun-filled day with the kids and their grandparents, we returned home to find this in our front yard.    From down the block, I casually asked Laurinda if she had perhaps left a candle burning this morning. She was sure she hadn’t. As it turns out, a...

Its No Secret…

Oprah fans, brace yourselves. The Queen of Pop Culture has endorsed the worst clinker since A Million Little Pieces. The new one is called “The Secret.” Its a book, its a movie, its a way of living. Some of you will get excited because it promises...

Balance of Wills

Work and rest. Serious and silly. Past and future. Creativity and logic. People try to balance things all the time. I’m one of them. My work and home lives are intricately bound together, yet I try to seperate them in order to balance them. My kids expect me to...

Pace Entitled to His Belief

  Yesterday, a gay advocacy group Tuesday demanded an apology from the Pentagon’s top general for calling homosexuality immoral. I can understand their consternation. General Pace was out of line when he shared his personal opinion in a setting where he was...


   In keeping with my recent basketball theme, I happened to notice a quote from Phil Jackson of the LA Lakers. It seems that there has been some talk of bringing back Michael Jordan or (more likely) Scottie Pippen. Big news, right? Well, maybe on the sports page....

I Feel for Tubby

I’m hearing a lot of people calling for Tubby’s resignation. I’m also hearing a lot of folks wanting to see major coaching changes, even if Tubby stays on. Now, there are a lot of folks who know more about Kentucky basketball than I do. But the...