Root Causes

Have you noticed that corruption and decay touch our lives constantly? I see problems in society and culture, across a variety of communities and in every strata of our existence. But do we know the root causes? When my kids act up, I always ask them a simple...


Today, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) declared unconstitutional sections of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). You likely have an opinion. I do, too. I’d like our opinions to meet, have coffee, and learn from each other. Here’s mine. The...
Time to Stop Apologizing for Being from Tennessee

Time to Stop Apologizing for Being from Tennessee

Stacy Campfield recently entered a bill for consideration in the Tennessee General Assembly. Campfield is a senator from eastern Tennessee known for legislation that attracts the ire of late-night comedians and satirists across the country. As a native Tennessean,...

With Friends Like These…

People sure do carry a lot of anger and frustration around. I’ve had a dozen conversations this week about how to deal with difficult people, how to control anger and frustration, and methods of calming an anxious spirit. Perhaps, this is a good time to share...