Dave Brubeck Says Hello

Yesterday marked the passing of one of my heroes. Dave Brubeck was just shy of his 92nd birthday, and a phenomenal influence on musicians of every caliber and genre. He was an arranger par excellance and did almost perfectly what I talked about in a recent blog piece...

What Christians Can Learn from Street Photography

I love photography. I follow several photography blogs in addition to the lengthy list of folks who are “also thinking about church.” So you can imagine that I sometimes run the two topics together. On a recent blog at Strobist, I watched a video about a...

NCAA – The Shotgun Flykiller Approach

I’m not the greatest sports buff in the world. I know a few facts and trivial statistics, and I can tell you some stories about some great games I once saw. But I’m not really the best commentator on the technicalities of the game. What I do know centers,...

The Kingdom of Heaven is like…

West Tennessee and Western Kentucky are suffering from one of the worst droughts in recent memory.  Crops are dying. That means farmers are watching a year’s salary literally burn up. People are falling victim to heat stroke. Yards are going from green to brown...