Disappearing Christmas Trees

Raise your hand if your Christmas Tree is still up. Okay, both of you can go read something else. This is for the folks who took the tree down when the last gift was unwrapped. 😀 I know what you are thinking. “Why would we keep the tree up if Christmas is...

Doing What We Can

I just left a Finance Committee Meeting for Grace UMC, the church I’m presently serving. And I just witnessed a very admirable act. “Heroic” is a little too strong a word, but not by too much. Let me offer some background. Grace has had some...

Dave Brubeck Says Hello

Yesterday marked the passing of one of my heroes. Dave Brubeck was just shy of his 92nd birthday, and a phenomenal influence on musicians of every caliber and genre. He was an arranger par excellance and did almost perfectly what I talked about in a recent blog piece...