Growing at Grace

Growing at Grace

What makes for a good leader? Most folks think that “followers” would be the required component. But anyone who has led anything more than a rousing chorus of “Row Row Row Your Boat” understands that the measure of leadership is the number of...

With Friends Like These…

People sure do carry a lot of anger and frustration around. I’ve had a dozen conversations this week about how to deal with difficult people, how to control anger and frustration, and methods of calming an anxious spirit. Perhaps, this is a good time to share...

A Different Future from a Difficult Past

Let’s cover some known facts. I’m a United Methodist pastor. The United Methodist Church is a Christian denomination. Christians follow the teachings of Christ. Christ was big on forgiveness. Based on this, we should be able to draw some conclusions about...

Take Disciples … Yes, You

Today is Saturday. That means that I’ve heard that “the Church is in decline” approximately a hundred times since Sunday, give or take a few. It means that I’ve heard that the answer is “to make disciples for the transformation of the...