Young Disciples Are Ready

I’m a big believer in Confirmation. Theologically, it is vital to any denomination that embraces Infant Baptism, and I certainly do. Practically, it is a time when youth and their parents can really begin to take hold of the concepts of discipleship....

“How Does This Help Us Make Disciples?”

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of excitement from people like Dan Dick and Ben Gosden. Their excitement is rightly generating some excitement within me as well. The cause of the excitement? One simple word: Discipleship. Dan and Ben are both excellent writers....

A General Conference Prayer

The 2012 United Methodist General Conference continues in Tampa, Florida. The debate has heated up — and we still have a long way to go. In the heat of the moment, there have already been celebrations in the face of pain, disregard of sacred worth, and evil...

Change the World

What if one weekend all around the world, 11 million United Methodists focused on finding sustainable solutions to fighting malaria? A few years ago, Rev. Mike Slaughter began to lead his congregation in an effort to make a difference in their community. Oddly,...