Grace Anyway

I don’t think there was ever a time when I didn’t know that my heroes were flawed. I grew up in the days following Nixon, Watergate, Viet Nam, race riots, and the burgeoning practice of assuming that great men and women were not perfect. Leaders could be...

Change the World

What if one weekend all around the world, 11 million United Methodists focused on finding sustainable solutions to fighting malaria? A few years ago, Rev. Mike Slaughter began to lead his congregation in an effort to make a difference in their community. Oddly,...

Does Not Compute: Metrics are Bad?

Logic seems to have failed some of us Methodists — probably because we aren’t Vulcans, or something like that. United Methodists all over the blogosphere and twitterverse are posting and tweeting logical fallacies right and left, mostly in the area of the...