Scripture: Matt. 1-4

Matthew 4:17
This Isaiah-prophesied sermon came to life in Galilee the moment Jesus started preaching. He picked up where John left off: “Change your life. God’s kingdom is here.”

Observation: “How would I act if God were in charge and present in my life every day?” That’s the question this passage begs.

“Repent, for the Kingdom is at hand.” That’s the earlier, more familiar translation. It means so much more than “stop drinking, smoking, and cussing.” I used to have a list of things that Christians stopped doing when they accepted Christ. I realized how long the list is, so I started consolidating. The only thing left on the list is “selfishness.

Application: Kingdom living is more about finding ways to impart grace into the lives of others than I sometimes make it. Given the recent  impact that “Revitalizing Methodism” has had on my life, I should be chasing the “class meeting” idea with more gusto than I have been.

Prayer: God, please remind me what Kingdom living really looks like. Point out the mistakes in my life that are distorting the view of the Kingdom that people might have through me. Help me to grow in holiness and perfection — not freedom from mistakes, but freedom from the rule-breaking worry that hinders my walk with you. Draw me apart, turn me aside, Lord. For Your Name’s sake, Amen.