Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been devastated by this tragic and senseless violence. Shannon Erwin has a cousin at Virginia Tech. His name is Nathan, and he is safe. We offer prayers of thanksgiving for his safety, and for the fact that so many were spared. But we mourn with those whose loved ones were not as fortunate.
We ask all the usual questions, and we get all the usual answers. How can something like this happen? Why was this one spared when so many others were not? How can God let this happen?
Its the last question that troubles me the most. I’m not upset that God allows this to happen. I’m upset that we who have been called to change the world — the Church — have been so lax in our work to bring peace and justice to our world. What has God done to stop these things? He’s called us to ministry and sent us to change the world.
We have much work left to do.
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