Jul 5, 2013 | General, Pop Culture
Have you noticed that corruption and decay touch our lives constantly? I see problems in society and culture, across a variety of communities and in every strata of our existence. But do we know the root causes? When my kids act up, I always ask them a simple...
Jun 26, 2013 | General, Methodism, US Politics
Today, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) declared unconstitutional sections of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). You likely have an opinion. I do, too. I’d like our opinions to meet, have coffee, and learn from each other. Here’s mine. The...
Jun 21, 2013 | Leading the Church, Pop Culture, US Politics
Recently, I spent the day with a friend who would probably like nothing better than to exhume Hitler’s dead body and raise it from the dead just so he could kill him again. Same goes for Stalin and a few other evil world leaders. We had a great conversation...
Jun 17, 2013 | Leading the Church, Methodism
Some things never change. There are still hot dogs at baseball games. There are still fish in Kentucky Lake. And there are still Methodists meeting on a yearly basis to talk business and make decisions. In the past two weeks, I’ve been to two Annual Conferences....
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