The Writing on the Ground

SCRIPTURE: Habbakuk 1-3; John 8 John 8:9-11 9-10Hearing that, they walked away, one after another, beginning with the oldest. The woman was left alone. Jesus stood up and spoke to her. “Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?” 11″No one,...

Young Disciples Are Ready

I’m a big believer in Confirmation. Theologically, it is vital to any denomination that embraces Infant Baptism, and I certainly do. Practically, it is a time when youth and their parents can really begin to take hold of the concepts of discipleship....


Some of you have just arrived after experiencing SOAP for the first time in a LIFEJournaling Experience offered by Grace UMC. The informal gathering at Panera Bread Company in Jackson, Tennessee was a joy to be a part of, and I’m grateful for the chance to teach...

Good News

SCRIPTURE: Is. 60-62; John 1 1-7 The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me. He sent me to preach good news to the poor,     heal the heartbroken, Announce freedom to all captives,     pardon all prisoners. God sent me to announce the year of his...