Jul 27, 2012 | General, Methodism, Pop Culture
I remember when I was just a boy hearing people telling me to keep the match out of the tank, the spark away from the gas main, and my lighter away from the big brown bag of fireworks. “You’ll blow us all to Kingdom Come.” I finally figured out what...
Jul 26, 2012 | General, Methodism, Pop Culture, US Politics
The Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church has passed legislation actively encouraging the infraction of our polity and covenant as United Methodists, particularly as United Methodist Clergy. From the document (linked above), which passed overwhelmingly...
Jul 23, 2012 | Pop Culture
I’m not the greatest sports buff in the world. I know a few facts and trivial statistics, and I can tell you some stories about some great games I once saw. But I’m not really the best commentator on the technicalities of the game. What I do know centers,...
Jul 17, 2012 | Leading the Church, Methodism
Last week, I posted on a routine hardship: Moving from one appointment to another. I related some of my ideas in the post “Turn and Face the Change,” and made reference to the wisdom and insights of the colleague who followed me. This week, my friend Jeff...
Jul 13, 2012 | General, Leading the Church, Methodism
David Bowie probably hasn’t pondered the United Methodist Church’s iteneration procedures. Oddly, this phrase from his song, “Changes,” pertains in a very relevent way. And it echoes the scriptural story in which Elijah hands off the ministry...
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