Dave Brubeck Says Hello

Yesterday marked the passing of one of my heroes. Dave Brubeck was just shy of his 92nd birthday, and a phenomenal influence on musicians of every caliber and genre. He was an arranger par excellance and did almost perfectly what I talked about in a recent blog piece...

What Christians Can Learn from Street Photography

I love photography. I follow several photography blogs in addition to the lengthy list of folks who are “also thinking about church.” So you can imagine that I sometimes run the two topics together. On a recent blog at Strobist, I watched a video about a...

A Tale of Two Solutions

Today, when I walked into the clergy meeting in Lexington Tennessee, I discovered that we were going to be talking about “adaptive versus technical solutions.” Part of me rejoiced. This sort of thinking is changing and transforming leadership across the...

Changing the World — and the Difficulty of Power

When I was coming through the process of becoming a pastor, I had grand dreams of changing things for the better. Changing the culture, changing people, changing churches — changing everything. I spent years banging my head against walls (some of which cracked...