
There’s an article at that makes a great case for Followership. What’s that? Its the reasoning in the minds of individuals within a group that cause them to invest in another person’s leadership. One particular set of ideas caught...

The Broadest Gap

I’m sure you’ve heard about Exxon’s record breaking profits. If you haven’t, the story can be found here: Exxon said its output rose by 5 per cent, the first increase since the third quarter of 2004, while earnings rose to...

Faith of Our Fathers Founders

I’d like to thank Larry Drown for sending this Newsweek article to me. I’ve got the magazine, but you can read it online here. We spend a lot of time and energy arguing about whether or not there were any religious overtones to the founding of our nation. More and...

Goals Progress Report

Last year, at Charge Conference, the people of South Pleasant Grove UMC undertook several goals. They were widely criticized as being “overly ambitious.” You can read a copy of the goals here. Already, several of those goals are being met. We are in the process of...

Beyond Your Castle

I’m awake early today. 5:30 am is a time in my life that is reserved normally for fishing trips, early departures for long journeys, and medical emergencies. Today is a little different. I’ve had one of those dreams that wakes you up. We’ve all had them. But...