Scripture: Job 26-27; Mark 15-16

Job 26:14
“And this is only the beginning,
   a mere whisper of his rule.
   Whatever would we do if he really raised his voice!”

Observations: I like the way Peterson interprets this passage. Its a stark reminder that God’s directions to us are understated for a reason. God’s direct interaction would be more than we could bear, and would render us helpless dependents.

Application: Listen more carefully for God’s voice in the world around me, and in the Scriptures before me.

Mark 15:37-39
But Jesus, with a loud cry, gave his last breath. At that moment the Temple curtain ripped right down the middle. When the Roman captain standing guard in front of him saw that he had quit breathing, he said, “This has to be the Son of God

He wishes to be in the midst of us, no curtain seperating, no boundary dividing.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for removing that which stood between us and You. Help me to remove the things that I keep between us so that I can be closer to your will every day. Amen.