Scripture: Ps. 149; 1 Cor. 15-16

1 Corinithians 16:13-14
Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you’ve got, be resolute, and love without stopping.

Observations: The Corinthians were wavering in some of their most basic beliefs about the resurrection of the Christ. Several new ways of thinking were floating about. Paul reminded them that their initial profession of faith was in the gospel as it had been presented.

Application: Over the course of the past week, I encountered Jim and Molly Scott. Their book, Revitalizing Methodism, has created a stir in our Conference among both the laity and the clergy. The central fact is that the Methodist reunion in 1939 resulted in an intentional decision to downplay our theology. The act came to fruition by the time of the next big union in the 1960’s. Methodists were seen as an alternative for folks who weren’t able to choose between denominations. “Join the Methodists, they believe in anything.”

Without forcing anyone, the Scotts are encouraging a return to the Class Meeting model and to the central facts of Wesleyan theology: Repentance, Faith, and Sanctification. Wesley and his contemporaries were major proponents of Holiness, a way of living that relies upon deep reliance upon the Holy Spirit.

It is high time for us to return to the level of commitment to right living and methodical disciple-forming practices.

Prayer: God, help me to deepen my commitment to you. Thank you for this re-calling. Prevent me from some kind of overbearing attempt to inflict these notions on colleagues who do not share these particular beliefs. Remind each of us that we are called to serve and work together, and that no one is required to believe exactly as anyone else. For the sake of the Kingdom, may your Spirit speak to each of us with a constant message of truth. In Christ’s name, Amen.