Proposed Goals

  1. Fifteen (15) new family groups (one or more people in a household) join the church by Advent 2008.
  2. All church leaders* in a soap/yes group by July 1, 2008
  3. All church leaders* regularly attending Wednesday Night Bible Study by January 1, 2008.
  4. A total of ten (10) soap/yes groups by June 1, 2008 [five (5) current attendees in each group].
  5. Double the size of all of the soap/yes groups by December 31, 2008 [five (5) new faces in every group].
  6. Of those who attend 50% of the time or less, 80% attendance by June 1, 2008.
  7. 75% of the church tithing by December 31, 2008.
  8. Three (3) new local mission oriented ministries that MEET NEEDS in our community beyond the local church with 20% of our congregation participating ON SITE/HANDS ON by June 1, 2008.
  9. Revitalized UMW with an emphasis on new members and meeting needs of younger women while maintaining current goals and ministry
    1. One (1) new UMW Circle made up of at least five (5) women who are not in UMW already by July 1, 2008.
    2. Attend a regional or national conference on women’s ministry by September 1, 2008
  10. An active chapter of the United Methodist Men pursuing excellence in Bible Study, leadership development, and mission work by next Charge Conference.
    1. Ten (10) men signed up, paying dues, and attending regularly.
    2. One Conference event attended by at least five (5) of those men.
    3. At least one (1) local mission event dreamed, designed, and done by the local group.

* “Church leaders” means committee members, officers, and teachers.