I just got the pictures from Sunday uploaded to the website. You can view them here.

For those of you just hearing about it, we honored the Friendship Class this past Sunday. Each member of the class received a prayer shawl, a rose, and a copy of the collected testimonies of the class. We’ll be posting those on the website later.

It always amazes me that the oldest class in the church is the class most deeply concerned with changing our church to meet the needs of the future. Sunday, as they spoke of the “good old days,” there was indeed a sense that they missed those who have died, those who are living away from the region now, to be sure. But many of these are the same folks who are deeply committed to the new thing that God is doing in our midst.

Here’s a group photo of some of our most forward-thinking members.

Friendship Class Photo

Congratulations, Friendship Class. And thank you for your leadership–and followership.