Why lead if you’re only cloning what someone else is doing?

There’s no sense in leading to maintain. What you are doing better get you out of bed in the middle of the night, making you ask, “What am I going to do about all that?”

Make sure the lamp is not out at your church, on your staff, in your team, in the eyes of the congregation.

Anointed from the head, to the beard, to the skirts. From the Head to the leader to the staff to the people.

Ask them to do something that is in their reach. Nothing worse than being asked to do something one cannot do. Challenge me to do something I can reach. Challenge me with 10 pounds. Not 200. Nobody feels passionate when they feel defeated.

Don’t confuse passion with emotionalism. Passion is the fuel that makes the engine go. Don’t just get emotional, that’s fine to do, but don’t let that be all you do.

Get the ball across the line; yes, we can.

Gonna talk about builders and bankers. Some will build a fire and some will bank it. Builders can do it with little or nothing to work with. Before you know it, they will turn it from a match into an inferno. Joseph prospered in Potiphar’s house. He prospered in the prison. Joseph was a builder.

Generally, they are better at building than at maintaining.

New point: Are you bringing around people who only do what you do? Because you should know, they compete with you rather than complete you.

That’s why Jesus picked out a fisherman or three.

Bankers (folks who “bank the fire” have a hard time getting it going. But they can sure keep it going.

Let’s talk about three kinds of folks who come into your life. You’ll need to be able to identify them so you know how to lead them, how to invest in them.

Confidantes –  They are for you no matter what.

Constituents – They are not for you. They are for your message, your mission. Folks who are there for the moment. They come to pass.

Comrades – They are not for you. They are not for what you are for. They are against what you are against.

You need at least one ear-cutter.

Jesus led by showing his scars. You should too.

Good leadership takes that which is on the pastor and multiplies it across the next generation/level of leaders.

Sometimes an encourager needs an encourager. When my heart is overwhelmed, I go to the Rock that is higher than me. My smile is getting phonier, and my face is getting more fake. Renew my strength and increase my faith, and I will get back out there and I will do it again.

The good Samaritan said, “If I owe you anything, I will repay you when I return.” So too, will Jesus repay upon his return.

Give me fire than I may pass it on.

We do not go out to obtain the victory, we stand here today and CLAIM the victory. And with that, we return to the ministry from which we came, but we are not the same.