“Haters Gonna Hate”

“Haters Gonna Hate”

I was conversing with a friend this afternoon. He related to me that he had been blasted by a fellow blogger for his opinions. I wryly commented, “Well, as the kids are so fond of saying these days, ‘Haters gonna hate.’ Which means, of course...
New Developments and Upgrades at iJoey.org

New Developments and Upgrades at iJoey.org

From the Fine Folks at MailChimp.com The blog here at iJoey.org now features a major upgrade: iJoey.org is now linked with MailChimp, a free-to-premium email solution that allows for self-management of email subscriptions. This means that you’ll be able to...
The Secret to Turning Failure into Victory

The Secret to Turning Failure into Victory

Okay, it’s really not a secret. Everyone has heard of learning from our mistakes. But do you know the power of teaching from them? I can tell you this: It doesn’t happen much by accident. Let me boil it down for you. A mistake isn’t just a failure...